Top Digital Marketing Trends in 2023

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1. Metaverse

The Metaverse is often referred to as a virtual world within a world, and Meta (Facebook) is the current owner of the Metaverse. It is an undiscovered digital universe where virtual or augmented realities interact to create an interactive environment for everyone.

Tradeable tokens are digital assets that may be traded. Each NFT (Non-fungible Token) is marked with a unique token that identifies it as the original and yours alone. Aside from art and technology, NFTs are also making their way into marketing.

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2. NFTs

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3. Cryptocurrency

Tradeable tokens are digital assets that may be traded. Each NFT (Non-fungible Token) is marked with a unique token that identifies it as the original and yours alone. Aside from art and technology, NFTs are also making their way into marketing.

Regarding social commerce, China has already established a billion-dollar business out of it, whereas India is just getting started. Brands use social media platforms to promote their items live, and the audience can purchase the product there and then.

4. Social  Commerce

Voice search, a feature that most of us received with our smartphones in 2014, is growing in popularity. In addition, smart speakers are becoming increasingly popular, and Alexa and Google Home smart speakers have been purchased by 20% of households.

5. Voice Search

Programmatic ad buying gets used to acquire digital advertisements. On the other hand, automated buying is a process that uses algorithms and machines to buy ads rather than human intervention.


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6. Programmatic Advertising

Automated email marketing, as the name suggests, involves sending emails to your consumers regularly, depending on preset triggers or timetables.

7. Automated email marketing

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been causing quite a stir recently, with many speculating that it will soon rule all aspects of human existence. By using an AI Chabot, 60 percent of internet users can get their questions answered on any number of apps or websites at once.

8. AI in  Marketing

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